State: Germany, Weimar Republic
Issuer: Blankenese (municipality) (SH / Ha)
Location of issue: Blankenese (municipality)
Date of issue: 15.3.1921 AD.,
Value: 20 Pfennig
Size: 84 x 54 mm
Material: paper
Watermark: Zickzacklinien
Serial : -
Serial no. : 023411
Signature: Frahm (1)
Printer: -
Obv.: 20 Pfennig / Gemeinde - Blankenese / Der Einziehungstermin diese Gutscheins …. , black text, leaves flanking, serial and signature below.
Rev.: Blankenese. / Schippern und Handeln / Ebbe und Flot, Help di sülben / so helpt di Gott! , violet background; middle: view of the Blankeneser Süllberg, in front on the Elbe barge to the right, small sailor to the left; a yellow rose in the background on the right and left. - violetter Grund; mittig: Ansicht des Blankeneser Süllbergs, davor auf der Elbe Barkasse nach rechts, kleiner Segler nach links; im Hintergrund rechts und links jeweils eine gelbe Rose.
References: Grabowski/Mehl 115.2-2/3 .
Blankenese is a suburban quarter in the borough of Altona in the western part of Hamburg, Germany; until 1938 it was an independent municipality in Holstein. It is located on the right bank of the Elbe river. With a population of 13,407 as of 2016, today it is widely known as one of Hamburg's most affluent neighborhoods.
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Heinrich Peter Frahm war von 1915 bis 1928 Gemeindevorsteher von Blankenese.