State: Germany, 2nd Empire
Issuer: Reichsschuldenverwaltung
Location of issue: Berlin
Date of issue: 12.08.1914 AD.,
Value: 2 Mark
Size: 110 x 70 mm
Material: paper
Watermark: Kreuzblüten
Serial : 506
Serial no. : 570276 (all: 173 - 515, 556 – 695) 6 digits red
Signatures: (8 ?)
Printer: Reichsdruckerei, Berlin (Germany)
Obv.: 506·570276 / Darlehenskassenschein / 2 – Zwei Mark -2 / Berlin den 12. August 1914 / M – Reichsschuldenverwaltung – M /…. , black text and red seal on red ornaments, with red underprint.
Rev.: Darlehenskassenschein / 2/Mark – 2 – 2 - 2/Mark / Zwei Mark , Imperial arms at center, red value and text on red ornaments, red underprint.
References: World Paper Money P-54 ; Rosenberg R-52c .
Since the German Reich financed the costs of warfare only to a lesser extent by tax increases and war bonds, but to a considerable extent by issuing paper money, there was already considerable inflation during the war years. Precious metal-containing mark coins disappeared in 1914 immediately from circulation.
In 1914, the State Loan Office began issuing paper money known as Darlehnskassenscheine (loan fund notes). These circulated alongside the issues of the Reichsbank. Most were 1- and 2-Mark notes but there were also 5-, 20-, 50- and 100-Mark notes.