State: Germany, 2nd Empire
Issuer: Reichsschuldenverwaltung
Location of issue: Berlin
Date of issue: 5.8.1914 AD.,
Value: 5 Mark
Size: 125 x 80 mm
Material: paper
Watermark: value number 5 in an entwined ribbon
Serial : V (all: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z )
Serial no. : 12018787 (8 digits brown)
Signatures: (6)
Printer: Reichsdruckerei, Berlin (Germany)
Obv.: Darlehenskassenschein / Fünf Mark / Berlin, den 5. August 1914. / Reichsschuldenverwaltung / …. , black text on gray ornaments and crowned imperial arms at center. Pencil-graffiti “ungültig“ to r.
Rev.: 5 - V·12018787 – 5 / Darlehenskassenschein / Fünf Mark / 5 / 5 - V·12018787 – 5 , brown serials and blue text on blue ornaments containing Imperial crown and swords, busts of crowned Germania and red seals flanking.
References: World Paper Money P-47c ; Rosenberg R-48c .