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Galerie > Medieval to Contemporary > Europe > Austria > Austria in general
1807 AD., Austro-Hungarian empire, Austria, Hapsburg rule, Francis I, Vienna mint, 15 Kreutzer, KM 2138. 
Austria, Francis I (II), Vienna mint ("A"), 1807 AD.,
15 Kreutzer (ø 35 mm / 10,73 g), copper, 13,12 g. theor. mint weight, mintage ? , axes medal alignment ↑↑ (0°), milled edge with a chain pattern,
Obv.: FRANZ KAIS. V. OEST. KOEN - Z. HUN. BOEH. GALIZ. U. LOD. / 15 - 15 / A , (FRANZ KAIS(er) V(on) OST(erreich) KOEN(ig) Z(u) HUN(garia) BOEH(men) GALIZ(ien) U(nd) LOD(omerien) ) , bust of Francis I (II), facing right inside a diamond made of dots, mintmark A below. Halfway on each side of the diamond, the value number 15. Small nick before face.
Rev.: FUNFZEHEN KREUTZER - ERBLAENDISCH . 1807 . / 15 - 15 - 15 / MÃœNZ Z . 15 . - WIENER ST. - BANCO ZET. - THEILUNG. , around Imperial coat of arms, the value number 15 within the two-headed Hapsburg eagle, surmounted by a crown. The entire device is within a diamond made of dots..
KM 2138 . 

Year / Mint Mark / Mintage / Mint
1807 A ? Vienna / Wien (Austria)
1807 B 22.007.000 Kremnica / Kremnitz (Hungary)
1807 E ? Karlsburg (Alba Iulia, Gyulafehérvár (Siebenbürgen), Hungary)
1807 G ? Nagybánya (Baia Mare, Frauenbach, Hungary)
1807 S ? Schmöllnitz (Smolnik, Hungary) 

The Turkish and Napoleonic Wars lead to token issues in various denominations. These included a 12 Kreuzer coin which only contained 6 Kreuzer worth of silver and was later overstruck to produce a 7 Kreuzer coin. In 1807, copper coins were issued in denominations of 15 and 30 Kreuzer by the Wiener Stadt Banco. These issues were tied in value to the bank's paper money. The coinage returned to its prewar state after 1814. Between 1759 and 1811, the Wiener Stadt Banco issued paper money denominated in Gulden. However, the banknotes were not tied to the coinage and their values floated relative to one another. Although the notes did have a slight premium over coins early on, in later years, the notes fell in value relative to the coins until their value was fixed in 1811 at one fifth of their face value in coins. That year, the Priviligirte Vereinigte Einlösungs und Tilgungs Deputation ("Privileged United Redemption and Repayment Deputation") began issuing paper money valued at par with the coinage, followed by the "Austrian National Note Bank" in 1816. 

Schlüsselwörter: Vienna Wien Austria Habsburg Hapsburg Franz Francis Kreutzer Kreuzer Branches double Eagle Crown diamond dots

1807 AD., Austro-Hungarian empire, Austria, Hapsburg rule, Francis I, Vienna mint, 15 Kreutzer, KM 2138.

Austria, Francis I (II), Vienna mint ("A"), 1807 AD.,
15 Kreutzer (ø 35 mm / 10,73 g), copper, 13,12 g. theor. mint weight, mintage ? , axes medal alignment ↑↑ (0°), milled edge with a chain pattern,
Obv.: FRANZ KAIS. V. OEST. KOEN - Z. HUN. BOEH. GALIZ. U. LOD. / 15 - 15 / A , (FRANZ KAIS(er) V(on) OST(erreich) KOEN(ig) Z(u) HUN(garia) BOEH(men) GALIZ(ien) U(nd) LOD(omerien) ) , bust of Francis I (II), facing right inside a diamond made of dots, mintmark A below. Halfway on each side of the diamond, the value number 15. Small nick before face.
Rev.: FUNFZEHEN KREUTZER - ERBLAENDISCH . 1807 . / 15 - 15 - 15 / MÃœNZ Z . 15 . - WIENER ST. - BANCO ZET. - THEILUNG. , around Imperial coat of arms, the value number 15 within the two-headed Hapsburg eagle, surmounted by a crown. The entire device is within a diamond made of dots..
KM 2138 .

Year / Mint Mark / Mintage / Mint
1807 A ? Vienna / Wien (Austria)
1807 B 22.007.000 Kremnica / Kremnitz (Hungary)
1807 E ? Karlsburg (Alba Iulia, Gyulafehérvár (Siebenbürgen), Hungary)
1807 G ? Nagybánya (Baia Mare, Frauenbach, Hungary)
1807 S ? Schmöllnitz (Smolnik, Hungary)

The Turkish and Napoleonic Wars lead to token issues in various denominations. These included a 12 Kreuzer coin which only contained 6 Kreuzer worth of silver and was later overstruck to produce a 7 Kreuzer coin. In 1807, copper coins were issued in denominations of 15 and 30 Kreuzer by the Wiener Stadt Banco. These issues were tied in value to the bank's paper money. The coinage returned to its prewar state after 1814. Between 1759 and 1811, the Wiener Stadt Banco issued paper money denominated in Gulden. However, the banknotes were not tied to the coinage and their values floated relative to one another. Although the notes did have a slight premium over coins early on, in later years, the notes fell in value relative to the coins until their value was fixed in 1811 at one fifth of their face value in coins. That year, the Priviligirte Vereinigte Einlösungs und Tilgungs Deputation ("Privileged United Redemption and Repayment Deputation") began issuing paper money valued at par with the coinage, followed by the "Austrian National Note Bank" in 1816.

Diese Datei bewerten (noch keine Bewertung)
Name des Albums:Arminius / Austria in general
Schlüsselwörter:Vienna / Wien / Austria / Habsburg / Hapsburg / Franz / Francis / Kreutzer / Kreuzer / Branches / double / Eagle / Crown / diamond / dots
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