1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Köln (Cologne) city, Notgeld, 25 Pfennig, Tieste 3565.105.46. Ba VIII 589827 Obverse
State: Germany, Weimar Republic
Issuer: Köln (Cologne), city
Location of issue: Köln (Cologne), city
Date of issue: 1.10.1920 AD.,
Value: 25 Pfennig
Size: 87 x 47 mm
Material: paper
Watermark: Rheinische Wellen
Serial (letters) : Ba VIII
Serial no. : 589827
Signature: Adenauer ( 1 )
Printer: J. P. Bachem, Köln
Obv.: „Koellen eyn Kroin- / Gutschein über / ... / 25 PFENNIG / …. / Boven allen steden schoin“ , Stadtwappen. Rotes Siegel mit Stadtname „Köln“.
Rev.: 25 – 25 / 25 – 25 , town hall (Rathaus).
References: Tieste 3565.105.46 .
Köln / Cologne (English) is the largest city of Germany's most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and the fourth-most populous city in Germany. With 3.6 million people in the urban region and 1.1 million inhabitants within its city proper, Cologne is the largest city on the river Rhine and also the most populous city of both the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Region and the Rhineland. Cologne was founded and established in Germanic Ubii territory in the 1st century CE as the Roman Colonia Agrippina, hence its name (Augusta Ubiorum was also used) "Cologne", the French version of the city's name, has become standard in English as well. Cologne functioned as the capital of the Roman province of Germania Inferior and as the headquarters of the Roman military in the region until occupied by the Franks in 462. During the Middle Ages the city flourished as being located on one of the most important major trade routes between east and western Europe. Prior to World War II, the city had undergone occupations by the French (1794-1815) and the British (1918–1926), and was part of Prussia since 1815.
More on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cologne
Konrad Hermann Joseph Adenauer (5 January 1876 – 19 April 1967) was a German statesman who served as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) from 1949 to 1963. He was co-founder and first leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) (until 1966), a Christian Democratic party that under his leadership became one of the most influential parties in the country. In 1909, he became Vice-Mayor of Cologne, an industrial metropolis with a population of 635,000 in 1914. Avoiding the extreme political movements that attracted so many of his generation, Adenauer was committed to bourgeois decency, diligence, order, Christian morals and values, and was dedicated to rooting out disorder, inefficiency, irrationality and political immorality. From 1917 to 1933, he served as Mayor of Cologne.
More on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konrad_Adenauer
1475 wurde Köln zur Freien Reichsstadt erhoben. 1499 formulierte Johann Koelhoff der Jüngere in seiner Chronik das damalige Selbstverständnis der Stadt: „Cöllen eÿn Kroÿn – Boven allen steden schoÿn“ („Köln eine Krone – Über allen Städten schön“).