State: Germany, Weimar Republic
Issuer: Detmold (Theather-Cafe Lippisches Landestheater)
Location of issue: Detmold (LD / NW)
Date of issue: 1.10.1921 AD.,
Value: 25 Pfennig
Size: 101 x 76 mm
Material: paper
Watermark: -
Serial : -
Serial no. : 228
Signature: (1)
Printer: J. Bartosch, Detmold , designer: Heller
Obv.: DER SCHEIN REGIERT DIE WELT ! / 25 - 25 / Heller / NOTGELD / …. , black text and serial, green value numbers.
Rev.: IST´S LIPPISCHE LANDESTHEATER AUS, / 25 - 25 / I / THEATER/CAFE / HELLER / 25 – 25 / GEHT MAN NOCH GERN INS CAFEHAUS. , three persons and a dog at the entrance on the cafe.
References: Grabowski/Mehl 270.1-1/3 ; Tieste 20.01 .