Arminius Numismatics

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Galerie > Medieval to Contemporary > Arabian World (other) > Arabian World (medieval, other)
Artuqids of Mardin, 577 AH / 1182 AD., Kutb al- Din II- Ghazi II, Æ Dirham, S/S 32.1.
Artuqids of Mardin (AH 502-811 / 1108-1408 AD.), Kutb al- Din II- Ghazi II (bin Alpi),  AH 572-580 / 1176-1184 AD., no mint (Mardin ?), dated year AH 577 (1182 AD.), 
Æ Unit / Æ Dirham (31-32 mm / 12,49 g), copper, axes irregular alignment ↑↙ (ca. 220°), 
Obv.:    ﺔﺋﺎﻤﺴﻤﺧﻭﻦﻴﻌﺒﺳﻭ ﻊﺒﺳ    I , ("577") , two diademed draped facing busts, one smaller than the other, date formula  ﺔﺋﺎﻤﺴﻤﺧﻭﻦﻴﻌﺒﺳﻭ ﻊﺒﺳ  in margin above. 
Rev.:  ﻦﻴﻨﻣﺆﻤﻟﺍﺮﻴﻣﺍﻦﻳﺪﻟﺮﺻﺎﻨﻟﺍ / ﻩﺮﻴﻌﻳ  ﻦﻣ ﻥﻮﻌﻠﻣ  ﻢﻫﺮﺪﻟﺍ ﺍﺰﻫ / ﻦﻳﺪﻟﺍﻡﺎﺴﺣ ﻦﺑﻦﻳﺪﻟﺍ ﻢﺠﻧﻦﺑ ﻦﻳ ﺪﻟﺍﺐﻄﻗ   , ("El-Nasır lidinillah emir'ül müminin.  Haza el-dirhem mel'une men yuavyiruhu. Kutbeddin bin Necmeddin bin Hüsameddin") , legend in field and around naming Qutb al-Din with his pedigree and including the formula ‘cursed be he who dishounours this dirham’ .
Spengler-Sayles type 32.1 ; BMC 386 ; Butak 29 ; Album 1828.2 .  

The obverse refers to byzantine coin-types showing two busts. 
Schlüsselwörter: Artuqids Mardin Kutb al- Din II- Ghazi Dirham Busts

Artuqids of Mardin, 577 AH / 1182 AD., Kutb al- Din II- Ghazi II, Æ Dirham, S/S 32.1.

Artuqids of Mardin (AH 502-811 / 1108-1408 AD.), Kutb al- Din II- Ghazi II (bin Alpi), AH 572-580 / 1176-1184 AD., no mint (Mardin ?), dated year AH 577 (1182 AD.),
Æ Unit / Æ Dirham (31-32 mm / 12,49 g), copper, axes irregular alignment ↑↙ (ca. 220°),
Obv.: ﺔﺋﺎﻤﺴﻤﺧﻭﻦﻴﻌﺒﺳﻭ ﻊﺒﺳ I , ("577") , two diademed draped facing busts, one smaller than the other, date formula ﺔﺋﺎﻤﺴﻤﺧﻭﻦﻴﻌﺒﺳﻭ ﻊﺒﺳ in margin above.
Rev.: ﻦﻴﻨﻣﺆﻤﻟﺍﺮﻴﻣﺍﻦﻳﺪﻟﺮﺻﺎﻨﻟﺍ / ﻩﺮﻴﻌﻳ ﻦﻣ ﻥﻮﻌﻠﻣ ﻢﻫﺮﺪﻟﺍ ﺍﺰﻫ / ﻦﻳﺪﻟﺍﻡﺎﺴﺣ ﻦﺑﻦﻳﺪﻟﺍ ﻢﺠﻧﻦﺑ ﻦﻳ ﺪﻟﺍﺐﻄﻗ , ("El-Nasır lidinillah emir'ül müminin. Haza el-dirhem mel'une men yuavyiruhu. Kutbeddin bin Necmeddin bin Hüsameddin") , legend in field and around naming Qutb al-Din with his pedigree and including the formula ‘cursed be he who dishounours this dirham’ .
Spengler-Sayles type 32.1 ; BMC 386 ; Butak 29 ; Album 1828.2 .

The obverse refers to byzantine coin-types showing two busts.

Diese Datei bewerten (noch keine Bewertung)
Name des Albums:Arminius / Arabian World (medieval, other)
Schlüsselwörter:Artuqids / Mardin / Kutb / al- / Din / II- / Ghazi / Dirham / Busts
Dateigröße:152 KB
Hinzugefügt am:%23. %810 %2013
Abmessungen:1024 x 512 Pixel
Angezeigt:31 mal
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