1490-1550 AD., German States, Nuremberg, 'French Galley' type Jeton / "jeton a la nef".
German States, Nuremberg (or France?), 'French Galley' type / "jeton a la nef", ca. 1490-1550 AD.,
Jeton de compte / Counter (26-27,5 mm / 1,25 g), brass, axis irregular alignment ?? (ca. 40°),
Obv.: ... , (decorative legends) four lilies in a diamond, flanked by three annulets on each side.
Rev.: ... , (decorative legends) profile view of a sailing ship sailing left.
cf. Michael Mitchiner, Jetons, Medalets & Tokens, Vol 1. Nos. 1172-1176 ; cf. http://www.forumfw.com/t8782-jeton-de-compte-a-la-nef ; http://www.ukdfd.co.uk/ukdfddata/showrecords.php?product=3499&cat=83 .
sometimes with reverse legend "VOLGVE LA GALLEE DE FRANCE" - Let the French galley sail or VOLBVS:LA:GALLEE...