Nikopolis ad Istrum in Moesia Inferior, 193-211 AD., Septimius Severus, Assarion, Pick 1346 var.
Nikopolis ad Istrum in Moesia Inferior, Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD.,
Assarion / Æ 17 (16-17 mm / 2,06 g),
Obv.: [AV] KAI Λ CE - CEV[HPOC] , laureate head of Septimius Severus right.
Rev.: NIK[OΠOΛ - I ΠPO]C I , Zeus seated left, holding patera in his outstretched right hand, his left leaning on scepter.
Pick (AMNG I) 1346 var. (obv. legend like 1378. 7 (Munich), otherwise 4 pieces of no. 1346 listed).