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318-330 AD., Constantinus I., Siscia(?) mint imitative type, barbarous Æ3 / Nummus / Follis, RIC 53. 11 x angesehen%12. %429 %2018

22-30 AD. and later, Tiberius for Augustus, contemporary imitation imitating the Rome mint, imitative As, cf. RIC 81. 18 x angesehen%12. %821 %2017

22-30 AD. and later, Tiberius for Augustus, contemporary imitation imitating the Rome mint, imitative As, cf. RIC 81. 20 x angesehen%08. %426 %2017

271-274 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Laetitia type, Zschucke 383.18 x angesehen%01. %957 %2017

140 AD. and later, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius Caesar, contemporary fake imitating the Rome mint, bronze Denarius, cf. RIC 417a.18 x angesehen%22. %976 %2016

168-31 BC., Celtic, Balkans area, the Bastarnae or tribes in the Serdi region?, imitation of Macedonian issues of Philip V, Æ20, cf. Malloy Danubian Celts type H1A.21 x angesehen%22. %818 %2016

168-31 BC., Celtic, Balkans area, the Bastarnae or tribes in the Serdi region?, imitation of Macedonian issues of Philip V, Æ19, cf. Malloy Danubian Celts type H1A.32 x angesehen%22. %818 %2016

168-31 BC., Celtic, Balkans area, the Bastarnae or tribes in the Serdi region?, imitation of Macedonian issues of Philip V, Æ20, cf. Malloy Danubian Celts type H1A.30 x angesehen%21. %915 %2016

69 AD., Vitellius, contemporary imitation imitating the Rome mint, Denarius fragment, cf. RIC 107.17 x angesehen%08. %501 %2016

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I/II, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, unclear type.14 x angesehen%19. %440 %2015

257-259 AD., Gallienus, contemporary imitation, Antoninianus, cf. Göbl 160k / RIC 157.17 x angesehen%22. %778 %2015

300-100 BC., Celtic, Balkans area, imitation of Odessos, Æ18, cf. SNG Cop. 670.30 x angesehen%21. %623 %2015

255-256 AD., Gallienus, contemporary imitation, Antoninianus, cf. RIC 125.12 x angesehen%18. %874 %2015

254 AD., Gallienus, contemporary imitation(?), Antoninianus, Göbl 38t var.9 x angesehen%18. %873 %2015

225 AD., Severus Alexander, contemporary imitation, Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 139.14 x angesehen%24. %963 %2015

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Spes type - Libertas legend. 11 x angesehen%23. %849 %2015

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Spes type - Pax legend. 14 x angesehen%22. %756 %2015

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Salus type. 18 x angesehen%22. %755 %2015

270-274 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Pax type. 12 x angesehen%21. %573 %2015

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Virtus(?) type, cf. Zschucke, Eifelfund 416.11 x angesehen%27. %979 %2015

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Antoninianus, Pax type, cf. Zschucke, Eifelfund 436. 14 x angesehen%01. %788 %2015

271-274 AD. and later, Tetricus II, irregular mint, Antoninianus, Spes type, cf. Zschucke, Eifelfund 399/406. 16 x angesehen%31. %502 %2014

43 BC., Roman Republic, the Triumvirs, Octavian, military mint traveling with Octavian in Cisalpine Gaul, silver-plated fouree Denarius, cf. Crawford 490/3.15 x angesehen%03. %402 %2014

383-388 AD., Magnus Maximus, contemporary imitation imitating the Lugdunum mint, cf. RIC 32.1. 32 x angesehen%15. %401 %2014

352 AD. and later, Magnentius, irregular mint imitating the Lugdunum mint, Æ2, cf. RIC 123. 12 x angesehen%01. %444 %2014

206 AD. and later, Septimius Severus, contemporary imitation, cast Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 200. 16 x angesehen%11. %663 %2014

82-10 BC., unofficial issue, Roman Republic, Quadrans, cf. Crawford 219/5.25 x angesehen%11. %659 %2014

49-48 BC., Julius Caesar, fouree Denarius, mobile mint moving with Caesar, cf. Crawford 443/1.17 x angesehen%27. %963 %2014

351-353 AD., Magnentius, irregular(?) mint imitating the Lugdunum mint, Æ2, cf. RIC 149.10 x angesehen%16. %477 %2014

378-383 AD. and later, contemporary imitation, Gratian, Lugdunum mint type, Æ2, cf. RIC 28a319 x angesehen%13. %575 %2014

378-383 AD. and later, contemporary imitation, Gratian, Lugdunum mint type, Æ2, cf. RIC 28a315 x angesehen%13. %574 %2014

350 AD. and later, Magnentius, irregular mint imitating the Lugdunum mint, Æ2, cf. RIC 121.12 x angesehen%10. %383 %2014

350 AD. and later, Magnentius, irregular mint imitating the Lugdunum mint, Æ2, cf. RIC 115.14 x angesehen%05. %479 %2014

350 AD. and later, Magnentius, irregular mint imitating the Lugdunum mint, Æ2, cf. RIC 115.19 x angesehen%05. %478 %2014

330-340 AD., City Commemorative Constantinopolis, irregular mint imitating the Lugdunum (Lyon) mint, Follis, cf. RIC 273.14 x angesehen%25. %943 %2014

351-353 AD. and later, Magnentius, irregular mint imitating the Ambianum mint, Æ 3, cf. RIC 9 note.12 x angesehen%18. %553 %2014

14-37 AD., era of Tiberius, contemporary imitation, irregular Hispanic mint, As, cf. RIC 31.19 x angesehen%04. %604 %2014

9-14 AD. and later, Augustus-Tiberius Caesar, contemporary imitation, irregular Gallic mint, imitative As, cf. Augustus RIC 230 , - Tiberius RIC 233, - 238a, - 245.16 x angesehen%10. %825 %2013

9-14 AD. and later, Augustus-Tiberius Caesar, contemporary imitation, irregular Gallic mint, imitative As, cf. Augustus RIC 230 , - Tiberius RIC 233, - 238a, - 245. 16 x angesehen%04. %479 %2013

34-37 AD. and later, Tiberius for Augustus, contemporary imitation, irregular Gallic mint imitating the Rome mint, As, cf. RIC 82. 18 x angesehen%04. %478 %2013

9-14 AD. and later, Augustus-Tiberius Caesar, contemporary imitation, irregular Gallic mint, imitative As, cf. Augustus RIC 230 , - Tiberius RIC 233, - 238a, - 245. 13 x angesehen%03. %960 %2013

271-274 AD. and later, Tetricus II, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Spes type, cf. Zschucke, Eifelfund 399. 18 x angesehen%01. %592 %2013

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, unclear type. 12 x angesehen%01. %590 %2013

9-14 AD. and later, Augustus-Tiberius Caesar, contemporary imitation, irregular Gallic mint, imitative As, cf. Augustus RIC 230 , - Tiberius RIC 233, - 238a, - 245. 13 x angesehen%29. %767 %2013

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Dupondius, irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RPC 523.19 x angesehen%26. %569 %2013

280-200 BC. and later, Samothrace, Islands off Thrace, ancient imitation, Tetrachalkon, cf. SNG Cop. 997.25 x angesehen%01. %617 %2013

198-217 AD., Moesia or Thracia, ancient struck imitation, Caracalla, Assarion, cf. Varbanov 1545, - 3020, - 2801.14 x angesehen%27. %436 %2013

46-45 BC., Julius Caesar, mint moving with Caesar in Spain, contemporary imitation, silver-plated fouree Denarius, cf. Cr. 468/2.19 x angesehen%10. %032 %2012

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I., irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Virtus type.14 x angesehen%01. %383 %2012

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I., irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, unclear type.11 x angesehen%01. %381 %2012

209 AD. and later, Caracalla, contemporary imitation, As, cf. RIC 448b.13 x angesehen%22. %624 %2012

50-10 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.17 x angesehen%20. %403 %2012

50-10 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.18 x angesehen%20. %402 %2012

50-10 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.16 x angesehen%20. %398 %2012

50-10 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.14 x angesehen%19. %464 %2012

50-10 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.14 x angesehen%19. %464 %2012

90-10 BC., Roman Republic, Spanish mint, contemporary imitation, anonymous Semis, cf. Crawford 056/3.19 x angesehen%18. %449 %2012

50-0 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.16 x angesehen%18. %404 %2012

50-0 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.106 x angesehen%15. %697 %2012

50-0 BC., contemporary imitation, Roman Republic, anonymous Semis, Spanish mint, cf. Crawford 056/3.18 x angesehen%15. %509 %2012

350-300 BC., Corinth in Achaea, plated fouree Stater, cf. Ravel 1008.27 x angesehen%17. %632 %2012

332 AD., City Commemorative Rome, British mint, ancient contemporary imitation imitating the Lugdunum mint, Æ Follis, cf. RIC 257.14 x angesehen%08. %322 %2012

270 AD. and later, commemorative issue for Claudius Gothicus, contemporary imitation, irregular mint imitating the Rome mint, Antoninianus, Cunetio 2877.14 x angesehen%17. %445 %2012

13 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Denarius, irregular mint imitating the Rome mint, cf. RIC 403.16 x angesehen%16. %956 %2012

11 BC. And later, Thracia, Rhoemetalces I, contemporary imitation imitating the Byzantion mint, Æ 18, cf. RPC 1718.22 x angesehen%03. %922 %2012

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Dupondius, irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RPC 523.16 x angesehen%18. %435 %2012

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Dupondius, irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RPC 523.21 x angesehen%18. %434 %2012

202-210 AD. and later, Septimius Severus, contemporary imitation, silver-plated Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 509.14 x angesehen%23. %338 %2011

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative As (halved Dupondius), irregular mint, cf. RPC 523-4.17 x angesehen%15. %916 %2011

36-37 AD., Tiberius, contemporary imitation, "Lugdunum mint", silver-plated fouree Denarius, cf. RIC 26.24 x angesehen%31. %285 %2011

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative As (halved Dupondius), irregular mint, cf. RPC 523.15 x angesehen%26. %535 %2011

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative As (halved Dupondius), irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RPC 523.18 x angesehen%27. %424 %2011

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Dupondius, irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RPC 523.19 x angesehen%03. %907 %2011

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Dupondius, irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RPC 523.22 x angesehen%29. %976 %2011

75-51 BC., Allobroges / Rhone valley tribes in Gallia, Quinarius, cf. LT. 5795.23 x angesehen%20. %615 %2011

38 BC. and later, Octavian and Divus Julius Caesar, contemporary imitation, Dupondius, cf. Crawf. 535/1.21 x angesehen%15. %876 %2011

300–275 BC. and later, Neapolis in Campania, ancient plated forgery, silver plated Æ Didrachm, cf. HNI 579.32 x angesehen%16. %444 %2011

216-211 BC. and later, imitative coinage from central Italy imitating Capua in Campania, Æ Biunx, HNI 489.45 x angesehen%14. %845 %2011

319 AD. and later, Constantinus I, contemporary imitation copying the Treveri mint, Follis, cf. RIC 228-9.29 x angesehen%29. %513 %2011

330 AD. and later, City commemorative Constantinopolis, contemporary imitation, Æ 3/4, cf. RIC 141 and 273.19 x angesehen%13. %913 %2011

240 AD., Gordian III, contemporary imitation, Æ Antoninianus, cf. RIC 37.14 x angesehen%05. %856 %2011

270-275 AD., Aurelian, irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Pietas Augustorum type.16 x angesehen%19. %366 %2010

270 AD. and later, Victorinus/Tetricus, Æ Antoninianus, contemporary imitation, cf. Zschucke, Eifelfund 332.18 x angesehen%20. %389 %2010

37-41 AD., Gaius, contemporary imitation or uncertain provincial branch mint, imitative As, cf. RIC 58.17 x angesehen%11. %710 %2010

10 BC. and later, Augustus, imitative Dupondius, irregular Gallic(?) mint, cf. RIC 155.19 x angesehen%02. %763 %2010

83-82 BC., Roman Republic, moneyer Q. Antonius Balbus, Rome mint, silver-plated fouree Denarius Serratus, cp. Cr. 364/1 d.20 x angesehen%02. %704 %2010

76-75 BC., Roman Republic, moneyer Cn. Cornelius Lentulus, mint in Spain(?), silver-plated fouree Denarius, cp. Cr 393/1a.24 x angesehen%02. %702 %2010

15- 13 BC., Augustus, contemporary imitation, silver-plated fouree Denarius, cp. RIC 167b .20 x angesehen%02. %695 %2010

80 AD. and later, Domitian Caesar, ancient plated forgery, silver plated Æ Denarius, cf. Coh. 397a.31 x angesehen%22. %927 %2010

96-98 AD. and later, Nerva, ancient plated forgery, silver plated Æ denarius, cf. RIC 3, 15 and 27.29 x angesehen%16. %236 %2010

88-20 BC., Thessalonika in Macedonia,ancient imitation, As, cf. Gaebler (AMNG III) 19.19 x angesehen%02. %993 %2010

223-187 BC., Sardis in Lydia, Antiochos III, Æ 14, ancient imitation, cf. Houghton and Lorber 983.29 x angesehen%02. %985 %2010

193-211 AD., Nikopolis ad Istrum in Moesia Inferior, ancient cast counterfeit, Septimius Severus, Assarion, cf. Pick 1417. - cleaned26 x angesehen%22. %496 %2010

270-273 AD. and later, Tetricus I., irregular mint, Æ Antoninianus, Salus type.21 x angesehen%18. %639 %2010

193-211 AD., Nikopolis ad Istrum in Moesia Inferior, ancient cast fake, Septimius Severus, Assarion, cf. Pick 1417. - uncleaned24 x angesehen%16. %779 %2010

229 AD., Severus Alexander, contemporary imitation, cast Sestertius, cf. RIC 492b.13 x angesehen%06. %499 %2010

222 AD., Severus Alexander, contemporary imitation, Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 141.13 x angesehen%06. %497 %2010

222-223 AD., Severus Alexander, contemporary imitation, Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 275c.17 x angesehen%06. %495 %2010

222-235 AD., Severus Alexander, contemporary imitation, Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 25, 45, 61 or 73.20 x angesehen%06. %047 %2010

222 AD., Severus Alexander, contemporary imitation, Æ Denarius, cf. RIC 302d.19 x angesehen%06. %044 %2010
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