Bilder-Suchergebnisse - "package" |

1915 AD., Germany, 2nd Empire, Burkhardtsdorf, package card, from Dresden to Constantinople in the Ottoman Empire, Obverse1 x angesehen

1915 AD., Germany, 2nd Empire, Burkhardtsdorf, package card, from Dresden to Constantinople in the Ottoman Empire, Reverse2 x angesehen

1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Husby (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 637.1a-1/6. 01986 Obverse3 x angesehen

1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Husby (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 637.1a-1/6. 01986 Reverse2 x angesehen

1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Husbyholz (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 638.1-1/6. 01449 Obverse2 x angesehen

1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Husbyholz (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 638.1-1/6. 01449 Reverse2 x angesehen

1930-60 AD., Great Britain, England, London, Spitalfields wholesale market, wholesaler John Woolf Ltd., manufactured by R. Neal, 20 Shillings deposits paid for returnable packages.8 x angesehen