Bilder-Suchergebnisse - "restrike" |

1693 AD., France, Louis XIV, bronze medal on the Institution of the Military Order of St. Louis, by Jean Mauger, Paris mint, modern restrike.49 x angesehen

1693 AD., France, Louis XIV, Tribute to the Navy Medal, by Jean Mauger, Paris mint, modern bronze restrike dated 1970, 49 x angesehen

1693 AD., France, Louis XIV, Tribute to the Navy Medal, by Jean Mauger, Paris mint, modern bronze restrike dated 1970, 46 x angesehen

1802 AD., Russian Empire, Alexander I (1801-25), Suzun mint, novodel, modern imitation or restrike ?, 1 Polushka, cf. KM N 354.19 x angesehen

1816 AD., France, Galerie Metallique des Grand Hommes Francais series, bronze medal on Marie Rabutin de Sevigne by Raymond Gayrard, Paris mint, official restrike of 1972 AD.15 x angesehen

1824-1825 AD., German States, Prussia, reproduction of a bronze medal by Loos, Berlin. 15 x angesehen

1826 AD., German States, Prussia, medal on the 50th anniversary of Goethe´s arrival at Weimar, by F. König at G. Loos´ medal mint at Berlin, modern restrike 1975 AD., Frede 81.19 x angesehen

1963 AD., Austria, restrike of a gold coin of Archduke Ferdinand Karl under guardianship of emperor Ferdinand III and his mother Claudia de Medici, Vienna mint, 2 Ducat medal, X M29a.18 x angesehen