am meisten angesehen - Modern Fakes, modern Imitations, tooled coins and fantasy coins of ancient types |

Lucius Verus, cast tourist fake, fantasy type.218 x angesehen

Vitellius, Sestertius, Imitation, 20th century cast, cf. RIC 141.217 x angesehen

Gaius (Caligula) As, Imitation, 20th century cast, Vesta type, cf. RIC 38.202 x angesehen

Volusian, Antoninianus, modern reproduction, Sandoz series.189 x angesehen

Julius Caesar Denarius, 20th century reproduction, WRL series, cf. Crawford 443/1.168 x angesehen

Nero, Sestertius, Imitation, 1975 AD., cf. RIC 388 / 489.164 x angesehen

Nero Dupondius, 20th century reproduction, WRL series, unlisted prototype.158 x angesehen

Nero, Sestertius, 20th century reproduction, Decursio, WRL-series.156 x angesehen

Alexandria in Egypt, Antoninus Pius Tetradrachm, modern bronze fake.149 x angesehen

Postumus Double Sestertius Medal143 x angesehen

Trajan Decius, double sestertius, Imitation, 20th century strike.134 x angesehen

Apollonia Pontica, cast fake AR diobol.134 x angesehen

Caracalla, Serdica in Thrace, AE 30, Replica of the Sandoz series.131 x angesehen

Gallienus Medal, modern Italian medal, late 20th century cast.108 x angesehen

Antonia Aureus Fake, modern Slavey Replica, gilded metal.108 x angesehen

Antiochia in Syria, Nero, modern imitation of a tetradrachm.105 x angesehen

Gaius (Caligula), Sestertius, Imitation, RIC 33, 20th century cast104 x angesehen

Claudius As, 20th century reproduction, WRL series, prototype RIC 116.103 x angesehen

Lucius Verus, cast tourist fake, fantasy type.100 x angesehen

Geta, cast imitation of a Sestertius, modern, cf. RIC IV 172b99 x angesehen

Alexandria in Egypt, Hadrian, Æ Drachm, modern cast fake.99 x angesehen

Augustus, Altar of Lugdunum silver medal98 x angesehen

Kyrene, Didrachm, Reproduction, Sandoz series, 1960-80.98 x angesehen

Apollo / Tripod big bronze fantasy coin.97 x angesehen

Hadrian / Trajan fantasy sestertius, 20th century cast, Tourist-fake.91 x angesehen

Julia Domna fake, "Rome" mint, modern strike, Æ Dupondius, cf. RIC 606.91 x angesehen

Antoninus Pius, Rome mint, tooled As, cf. RIC 675.89 x angesehen

Roman Republic, L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, Denarius, cast imitation, cf. Crawford 340/188 x angesehen

Vespasian Denarius imitation, silvered brass, falsified MEKU series.87 x angesehen

Corinth in Achaea, modern reproduction, Sandoz series.86 x angesehen

Titus, Sestertius, Imitation, cf. RIC 93, 20th century cast.85 x angesehen

Julia Mamaea, struck imitation of a Denarius, cf. RIC 362.84 x angesehen

Arcadius Solidus in silver by Becker.84 x angesehen

Commodus, Sestertius, lead Imitation, 20th century cast?, cf. RIC 1524-5.83 x angesehen

Trajan, "Rome mint", modern, cast Denarius fake, cf. RIC 347.83 x angesehen

Vespasian, 20th century struck imitation, prototype 71 AD., fake Sestertius, cf. RIC (new) 244.83 x angesehen

Aquilia Severa fake, imitating the "Rome" mint, modern strike, Æ Sestertius, cf. RIC 390.82 x angesehen

Antoninus Pius, 20th century struck imitation, prototypes 143-144 AD., fake As or Sestertius, cf. RIC 734a / 648.79 x angesehen

Sasanian kings. Ardashir I, modern bronze cast ca. 1900-1980 AD., imitating AR Drachms and billon Tetradrachms of 223-240 AD., Æ25.79 x angesehen

Domitian As Imitation, Spes, cf RIC 699.78 x angesehen

Justinian I. Follis, Nicomedia mint, Imitation, cf. Sear BC 201.78 x angesehen

Demetrios Poliorketes cast imitation76 x angesehen

Antoninus Pius, 19th century cast imitation, prototype 151-152 AD., fake Sestertius, cf. RIC 888.76 x angesehen

Antoninus Pius, crude "tourist fake" fantasy type, produced ca. 1990-2012 AD., Æ38.76 x angesehen

Macedonian Kingdom, cast Alexander III. imitation, "Tetradrachm"75 x angesehen

Marc Antony Denarius imitation, modern cast.75 x angesehen

Roman Republic, L. Plaetorius L.f. Cestianus, modern denarius fake.75 x angesehen

Domitia, Sestertius, Imitation, RIC 440, 19-20th century cast.74 x angesehen

Agrippina senior, crude "tourist fake" Sestertius, prototype circa 37-41 AD., produced ca. 1990-2014 AD., cf. RIC 55.74 x angesehen

Syracuse in Sicily, Hieron II., AV 60 Litrae - Dekadrachm, Imitation, archetype ca 220-217 BC.70 x angesehen

Modern silver Medal imitating Side tetradrachms and Syracuse dekadrachms.68 x angesehen

Nero, Sestertius, Imitation Medal, 20th century, cf. eg. RIC 276.67 x angesehen

Antiochia in Syria, Nero, modern imitation of a tetradrachm.66 x angesehen

Judaea fake "widow´s mite", imitating coins of the Hashmonean Kingdom of Judaea, carved edge.64 x angesehen

Vespasian Denarius imitation, brass, MEKU series.63 x angesehen

Uranius Antoninus fake, "Emesa mint", modern dies on old coin.61 x angesehen

Tyros, Phoenicia, Shekel imitation, modern cast.61 x angesehen

Modern silver Medal imitating Lysimachos tetradrachms and Syracuse dekadrachms.61 x angesehen

Commodus, modern cast, fake Medaillon, cf. Coh. 176.61 x angesehen

Koinon of Bithynia, fake Hadrian, Æ 35, prototype 117-138 AD., cf. Rec. Gen. 38-43.61 x angesehen

Babylon in Mesopotamia, Macedonian empire, modern Tetradrachm fake, copying Philippos III Arrhidaeus, produced ca. 1980-97 AD., prototype struck in Babylon under Perdikkas ca. 323-320 BC., cf. Price P 181.61 x angesehen

Antoninus Pius, "tourist fake" fantasy type, produced ca. 1990-2012 AD., Æ39. 61 x angesehen

Macedonian empire cast fake, copying issues of Alexander III, prototypes ca. 325-200 BC., base metal, ca. 1970-2000 AD., Æ23.60 x angesehen

Arados in Phoenicia, modern cast fake, dated city era 375 = 116-117 AD., Æ 22, cf BMC 374.60 x angesehen

Tiberius, cast fake As, restoration issue by Domitian, original issue struck ca. 81-82 AD., cf. RIC 458.60 x angesehen

Ptolemy, Alexandria in Egypt, fantasy cast.59 x angesehen

Trajan, "Rome mint", modern, Sestertius fake, cf. RIC 500.59 x angesehen

Vespasian and Titus, fantasy Sestertius, 20th century cast.59 x angesehen

Modern silver Medal imitating Unknown tetradrachm and Syracuse dekadrachms.58 x angesehen

Constantine, modern cast imitation, patinated.54 x angesehen

Antoninus Pius, Rome mint, tooled Sestertius, cf. RIC 856.54 x angesehen

Arados in Phoenicia, modern imitation, prototype ca. 260-240 BC., cast Hemidrachm, cf. BMC 87.54 x angesehen

Augustus, modern fake imitating the Rome mint, moneyer M. Maecilius Tullus, triumvir monetalis, As, for genuine coins cf. RIC 435.54 x angesehen

Vespasian / Hadrian, cast fantasy dupondius53 x angesehen

Hadrian tourist fake sestertius Hilaritas53 x angesehen

Athena / Medusa big bronze fantasy tourist medal.53 x angesehen

Amphipolis in Macedonia, 158-150 BC., under Roman rule, replica, modern bronze cast ca. 1850-1915 AD., Tetradrachm, cf. AMNG III 176. 53 x angesehen

Entella, Sicily, imitation of an ancient Siculo-Punic issue struck ca. 320-300 BC., modern cast ca. 1950-2010 AD., “Tetradrachm“, cf. Jenkins 150 ff.53 x angesehen

Roman Republic, moneyer M. Furius L.f. Philus, 19th - 20th century cast fantasy Denarius, cf. Crawford 281/1.52 x angesehen

Hadrian / Trajan fantasy sestertius, 20th century cast, Tourist-fake.51 x angesehen

Vespasian, 19th-20th century cast fantasy type, reverse prototype 80-81 AD., fantasy Sestertius, Klawans 6 var.50 x angesehen

Lysimachos, Tetradrachm in bronze , modern replica.49 x angesehen

Macedonian Kingdom, Philipp Amphipolis imitation / reproduction dated 1986.49 x angesehen

Hadrian, Rome mint, tooled Dupondius, cf. RIC 557.49 x angesehen

Nikopolis ad Istrum in Moesia Inferior, 218 AD., Diadumenianus Caesar, fake 4 Assaria, Pick 1845.48 x angesehen

Thasos in Thrace, modern imitation, Stater type.48 x angesehen

Hadrian, 19th-20th century cast imitation, reverse prototype 134-138 AD., Dupondius or As, cf. RIC 860c.48 x angesehen

Septimius Severus, fantasy silver medal copying a sestertius of 194 AD., ca. 2000-2009 AD.47 x angesehen

Marcus Aurelius, 19th century cast imitation, prototype 161-162 AD., fake Sestertius, cf. Banti 32.46 x angesehen

Gaius (Caligula), crude "tourist fake" Sestertius, prototype circa 37-38 AD., produced ca. 1990-2012 AD., cf. RIC 33.46 x angesehen

Gaius (called Caligula), modern cast, fake Sestertius, cf. RIC 40.45 x angesehen

Didia Clara, 19th century cast imitation, prototype 193 AD., fake Sestertius, cf. RIC 20.44 x angesehen

Philip II Caesar, crude cast "tourist fake", produced ca. 2000-2012 AD., for prototype cf. RIC 255a.44 x angesehen

Nero, 20th century struck imitation, prototypes ca. 64 AD., fake Dupondius, cf. RIC 199.42 x angesehen

Kingdom of Macedonia, Philipp V, crude "tourist fake" type, produced ca. 1960-2014 AD., bronze cast Tetradrachm imitation, cf. AMNG III, 2.41 x angesehen

Constantius II Caesar, modern fake imitating the Constantinopolis mint, Follis, cf. RIC 21.40 x angesehen

Roman Republic, anonymous coinage, 19th - 20th century cast imitation, fake Uncia, cf. Crawford 41/10.40 x angesehen

Constantius I, 20th century struck imitation, prototypes 305-307 AD., fake Medallion, cf. RIC 148.40 x angesehen

Macedonian empire, cast fake copying issues of Alexander III, Æ23, ca. 1970-2000 AD.40 x angesehen

Kingdom of Macedon, Antigonos Doson, modern bronze replica cast ca. 1850-1915 AD., Tetradrachm, cf. Jameson 1908.40 x angesehen
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