ancient Egypt
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 1 Mark, Geiger 324.01. Obverse 31 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 1 Mark, Geiger 324.01. Reverse 24 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 20 Mark, Geiger 324.03. 11535 Obverse 23 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 20 Mark, Geiger 324.03. 11535 Reverse 23 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 5 Mark, Geiger 324.02a. 42702 Obverse 23 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 5 Mark, Geiger 324.02a. 42702 Reverse 23 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski L52.1. Obverse 23 x angesehen
1918 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Lippe state, Fürstlich Lippische Regierung in Detmold, Notgeld, currency issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski L52.1. Reverse 25 x angesehen
1919 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Bethel bei Bielefeld (Hauptkassen-Verwaltung), Notgeld, 1 Pfennig, Tieste 0565.05.01A.5. Obverse 2 x angesehen
1919 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Bethel bei Bielefeld (Hauptkassen-Verwaltung), Notgeld, 1 Pfennig, Tieste 0565.05.01A.5. Reverse 1 x angesehen
1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Detmold (city), Notgeld, collector series issue, 25 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 268.1c? 295007 Obverse 22 x angesehen
1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Detmold (city), Notgeld, collector series issue, 25 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 268.1c? 295007 Reverse 26 x angesehen
1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Detmold (city), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 268.10a-10/10. A212551 Obverse 25 x angesehen
1920 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Detmold (city), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 268.10a-10/10. A212551 Reverse 22 x angesehen
1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Horn (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 628.1a. 020635 Obverse23 x angesehen
1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Horn (municipality), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 628.1a. 020635 Reverse24 x angesehen
1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Wettin (town), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 1421.1b-3/5. Obverse 1 x angesehen
1921 AD., Germany, Weimar Republic, Wettin (town), Notgeld, collector series issue, 50 Pfennig, Grabowski/Mehl 1421.1b-3/5. Reverse 2 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 300-285 BC., Ptolemaios I, Æ Diobol, Svoronos 292.36 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 305-283 BC., Ptolemaios I., Tetradrachm, Svor. 247.118 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 305-285 BC., Ptolemaios I., Obol, Svoronos - .46 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 305-285 BC., Ptolemaios I., Obol, Svoronos 206 var.33 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 285-246 BC., Ptolemaios II., Obol, Svoronos 581.36 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 253-249 BC., Ptolemaios II (Philadelphos), AE-Drachm, Svoronos 1125.36 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 253-249 BC., Ptolemaios II (Philadelphos), Æ-Drachm, Svoronos 1126.43 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 253-249 BC., Ptolemaios II (Philadelphos), Æ-Hemidrachm, Svoronos 1127.32 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 253-249 BC., Ptolemaios II (Philadelphos), Æ-Hemidrachm, Svoronos 1127.34 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 253-249 BC., Ptolemaios II (Philadelphos), Æ-Hemidrachm, Svoronos 1127.36 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 253-249 BC., Ptolemaios II (Philadelphos), Æ-Hemidrachm, Svoronos 1128.36 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 256-249 BC., Ptolemaios II., Hemiobol, Svoronos 762 a.56 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Chalkus, Svoronos 485.32 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Dichalkon, Svoronos 418.44 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Dichalkon, Svoronos 469.27 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 416.32 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 439.24 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 439.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 450.27 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 467.32 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 482.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 482.29 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Trihemiobol, cp. Weiser 29-30.22 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 266-256 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Trihemiobol, Svoronos 506.24 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 565.27 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, cf. Svoronos 553 var.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, cf. Svoronos 581 var.22 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, cf. Svoronos 581 var.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, Svoronos 563.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, Svoronos 581 var.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, Svoronos 581 var.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, Svoronos 581.27 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol, Svoronos 586.24 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ Obol.22 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 274-272 BC., Ptolemaios II Philadelphos, Æ-Obol, Svoronos 576.26 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 221-204 BC., Ptolemaios IV., Æ38, Svoronos 148f.48 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-205 BC., Ptolemaios III-IV, Æ Hemidrachm, Svoronos 993.26 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-205 BC., Ptolemaios III-IV, Æ Hemidrachm, Svoronos 993.25 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III Euergetes, Æ Diobol, Svoronos 966.29 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III Euergetes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 964.26 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III Euergetes, Æ Obol, Svoronos 967.22 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III Euergetes, Æ Trihemiobol, Svoronos 1169.20 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III Euergetes, Æ Trihemiobol, Svoronos 1169.22 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III Euergetes, Æ Trihemiobol, Svoronos 1169.18 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Alexandria mint, Æ 40, Svoronos 974.26 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Alexandria mint, Æ 40, Svoronos 974.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.24 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.20 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.25 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.17 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.19 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 246-222 BC., Ptolemaios III or IV, Æ 40, Svoronos 974 var.20 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Obol, Svoronos 1238.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Obol, Svoronos 1238.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 221-205 BC., Ptolemaios IV Philopator, Æ Hemiobol, Svoronos 1155.24 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 222-204 BC., Ptolemaios IV., Æ40, Weiser 91.46 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Didrachm, Weiser 140.25 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Didrachm, Weiser 140.28 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Diobol, Svoronos 1426.25 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Diobol, Svoronos 1426.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Diobol, Svoronos 1426.16 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.20 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.21 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.26 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 181-171 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.18 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 183-181 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1234.22 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 183-181 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1234.20 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 183-181 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1234.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 197-182 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Tetrobol, Svoronos 1234.19 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 200-197 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Hemidrachm, Svoronos 1494.30 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 200-197 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Æ Hemidrachm, Svoronos 1494.27 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 200-197 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Drachm, Svoronos 1493.23 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 204-180 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Diobol, Svoronos 1426.51 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 204-180 BC., Ptolemaios V. Epiphanes, Diobol, Svoronos 1426.27 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 116-101 BC., Cleopatra III, Ptolemaios IX Philometor Soter and Ptolemaios X Alexander I, Hemiobol, Svoronos 1718 var.19 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 116-106 BC., Kleopatra III, Ptolemaios IX Philometor Soter and Ptolemaios X Alexander I, Alexandria mint, Chalkus, Svoronos 1733.30 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 180-170 BC., Ptolemaios VI., Æ Drachm, Svoronos 1424.33 x angesehen
Alexandria in Egypt, 18-19 AD., Tiberius, Diobol, Geissen 47.34 x angesehen
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